So many excellent business and motivational books exist. It can be hard to pick the best to get started with. Lucky for you, the best are right here! The BOLD Business Book was written with the goal of no wasted pages. No filler, no BS. Just real, usable content on each and every page. Even the copyright page has valuable content.

Get The BOLD Business Book here:
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eBook Softcover Hardcover Audiobook
Fast Motivation
What do you expect to find in a motivational book? Words of encouragement or lessons to build up the drive in you? This book covers all that in a format you can read in less than a minute. Seven words that will change your life are included. This book makes a great motivational gift for the entrepreneur in your life. It also makes a great gift for those friends of yours that just need a little pick me up.
Get the You Got This! Book here:
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eBook Softcover
Deep Motivation
This is a motivational book that is a quick read. It includes a lesson on building up your physiology so that you can change your mood in seconds with one action. This is essentially the ninja death move to eliminate bad moods. This works on yourself, though your mood will reflect on others.
Get the Motivation Book here:
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Do you know someone that is truly awesome? How can you show them how awesome they are and make them really smile in the process? Can you tell them in a way that something more than just words can do? With this book, you help let them know they are awesome. It also works constantly to continually remind them they are freaking awesome!