Jamie Perez – Beyond Words Productions

Sometimes you find yourself in a great job, or a pretty good job, or maybe even a terrible job.  At some moment, you decide that you don’t want to work for someone else anymore, you want to work for yourself.  Naturally, if you’re listening to this podcast, you know that is probably a great choice for you.

Jamie Perez, owner of Beyond Words Productions, found herself in a place where her skills were not being utilized or appreciated.  So she took the bold step of going out on her own.  Can you relate?

Listen as Jamie explains why and how she got started in the videography business.  Jamie explains what she has learned and some of her successes, and challenges.  She brings to light both the risks of entrepreneurship, as well as the, often immeasurable, rewards.


Visit Jamie at: https://www.beyondwordsproductions.com/
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