The Business Podcast

Authentic Business Adventures Podcast

You found it!  Authentic Business Adventures, the best business podcast to hit the airwaves, is here.  Make no mistake, this isn’t some podcast filled with slackers.  This is the business podcast designed for entrepreneurs and small business owners to listen to, enjoy and take some action from.  If you like this super successful business podcast, let us know.  More importantly, keep listening.  The best small business podcasts will be showing up weekly.


Keri Childers of Thought Leader Connection

How to Share Your Wisdom

Keri Childers - Thought Leader Connection One of the great things about being in business and meeting other entrepreneurs in business is a common feeling of striving for growth.  Of working on yourself and your business to contribute to the betterment of your business, society, you as a person, your employees, your clients and a…...
Art Fish, owner of Prairie Jewelers

How to Buy and Grow a Jewelry Store

Art Fish - Prairie Jewelers When it comes to value, the name of the game is trust.  This is especially true with a jewelry business.  Knowing that the proprietor of the jewelry store knows what is available, what the different items are worth and how to choose just the right piece of jewelry to accomplish…...
Jenna Piche of First Light Health

How to Be Healthy and Do It All (Well, Most of It)

Jenna Piche - First Light Health Juggling it all is tough.  With a family, kids, business and/or a job, mixed in with a little sleep, less than a moment to chill and a barrage of problems that interfere with your already challenging schedule. You try to do it all and eventually, something has to give. …...
Kaitlin Rohowitz, owner of A Better Body Massage in Madison, Wisconsin

How to Win at the Massage Business

Kaitlin Rohowetz- A Better Body Massage Therapy Every business can cause you a bit of stress.  A great massage is a relaxing way to relieve that stress, or at least settle it down for an hour or so. But what about starting, running and operating a massage business?  What are the challenges and rewards for…...
Nancy Giere on Course Creation

How to Teach With Courses

Nancy Giere - Course Creation If you want to teach the world, either you need to spend a lot of time teaching, or a little bit of time creating courses for your students and clients to watch at their, and your, leisure. Listen as Nancy Giere teaches us how to create incredible courses (Read: Not…...
The Wall Printer founder Paul Baron

How to Print On Walls

Paul Baron - The Wall Printer Technology never stops, and Paul Baron has brought the next big thing here. Getting an image of whatever you want on just about any media you want, vertically, is now possible. With The Wall Printer, you can now get that beautiful picture printed on an exterior wall, even brick,…...
Katie Hensel owner of Travel Made Joyful

How to Travel

Katie Hensel - Travel Made Joyful We all dream of getting away.  What they means to you may be different from someone else.  We can all agree that travel is fun. But where do you go, what do you do and, arguably most importantly, what do you eat? Listen as well-travelled and addictively energetic entrepreneur…...
Camilla af Hällström of Zalstrom

How to Accel at SEO

Camilla Hallstrom - Zalstrom You've built your website and gotten it to look superb with all of the best flows for your website visitors. But now you need actual visitors to your website.  That means you need some SEO, or Search Engine Optimization.  The buzz phrase that means making your website easily found by the…...
Jessica Fialkovich of Exit Factor

How to Sell Your Business

Jessica Fialkovich - Exit Factor Just like a boat owner, of of the best day's of an entrepreneurs journey is when they sell their business. But how do you prepare to sell, where do you go to sell and what steps do you need to take to actually sell? Listen as Jessica Fialkovich of Exit…...
DJ Neuville of Haul It All junk removal

How to Start a Junk Business

DJ Neuville - Haul It All One man's trash is another man's treasure goes the saying.  But often, you don't want to find the guy looking for your treasure.  That is when you call Haul It All. DJ Neuville started his junk pickup and disposal business to help people get rid of the stuff that…...
Kevin Snow of Time on Target

Sales Automation

Kevin Snow - Time On Target Nothing happens until a sale is made.  But what processes do you use to get sales done in your business. Kevin details how he helps companies use email, online and CRM software to help businesses grow and succeed. Listen as Kevin Snow, cofounder of Time On Target details how…...
Erin Vranas of Yips Yogurt Chips

Love of Gyros and Yogurt

Erin and Dimitri Vranas - Yips Yogurt Chips and Parthenon's Gyros A few facts to bring to light how awesome this couple is: Parthenon's Gyros hit 50 years this year. On top of that, they created Yips Yogurt Chips, which alone would be an incredible feat. Erin has enough energy to power a city. Erin…...
The Shred Method founder Adam Carroll

Get Debt Free

Adam Carroll - The Shred Method™ It may surprise you that there a huge number of people in our great population that have debt.  Some of this debt is staggering in it's size, especially in relation to the income that is in the process of paying it back. Once you get deep in debt, it…...
Tara Ingalls owner of Tingalls Graphic Design

Graphic Design Business

Tara Ingalls - Tingalls Graphic Design There are an almost unlimited amount of places to get your logo, business cards, website or brochures designed.  There are about as many places to work to peddle your design skills as well.  The interesting thing with business is that it is the little things that often keep people…...
Drew White of IBC Drew

Be Your Own Bank

Drew White - Create Tailwind We have all had to borrow money at one time or another.  Maybe for a house, a car or to grow our business.  Dealing with lenders can be tough and you leave the decision of you getting cash in your pocket to people that may not have your best interests…...
Glenna Shannahan owner of Madison Bridge Club

Bridge Club

Glenna Shannahan - Madison Bridge Club What do Warren Buffet, Bill Gates and Glenna Shannahan have in common?  They all play bridge.  Glenna just happens to be a bit better at it. Glenna is the owner of Madison Bridge Club, a business that operates on the south side of Madison, Wisconsin for clients to learn…...
Bill Nussey, author of Freeing Energy

Freeing Energy

Bill Nussey - Freeing Energy The times, they are a changing.  What worked for so long before we are learning, really didn't work all that well.  At least, not without consequences. This goes for business as well as energy.  My guest today is Bill Nussey, a serial entrepreneur that has started, built and sold companies…...
AJ of KallistoArt

Web Design and Development

AJ Aluthwala - KallistoArt Remember back in the day when all you needed was a yellow pages ad and a landline phone? Maybe you don't, which is fine.  Because now we have the internet and the internet is filled with websites.  Which means that your business needs a website in order to be found. But…...
David at


David Pawlan - Software is great.  It can do all sorts of magical things, most of the time. But what if you want software built for your business?  In the past you would do one of three things, 1) Learn ot code yourself, 2) Hire a coder as an employee, or 3) Outsource the…...
Zeb Anderson of LegalQ

Zeb Anderson – LegalQ

Zeb Anderson - LegalQ Every business will eventually need the help of an attorney.  Whether working with an attorney to create a client contract, or to go over a lease that took a forest to print, legal jargon surrounds the business world. But how can a business owner find the right attorney?  Many attorneys may…...
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