Business Insights

Check out these quick tips to get your business rolling in less than a minute.  Well actually, almost exactly a minute.

Business Coaching Stopwatch


These 60 second Business Success Tips are just what you need.  Draw In Customers does offer videos and we do offer 1on1 business coaching.  but every once in a while, it is nice to just hear something short and sweet.  Or at least to the point.  Business moves quickly, you know.

Business Coaching Tip #1: What would happen if you were hit by a bus?


Business Coaching Tip #2: Are Customers a Hassle for You in Your Business?


Business Coaching Tip #3: Are you in LOVE with Your Business?


Business Coaching Tip #4: Emotional Drains can be a Drain on Your Business


Business Coaching Tip #5: How do You Make Decisions?


Business Coaching Tip #6: Do you need systems to run your business?


Business Coaching Tip #7: Is your business a JGB or an RSB?


Business Coaching Tip #8: How easy is it to do business with you?


Business Coaching Tip #9: Why you should get feedback from your customers.


Business Coaching Tip #10: Does FEAR rule your business?




Listen to The BOLD Business Book

You love great nonfiction business books.  But you also have some limited time.  So you like to listen to these great nonfiction business books while you do other things.  It turns out that since you love great business books, I am going to share The BOLD Business Book with you.



Chapter 1: More time, more money, more fun.  You Got This!


Chapter 2: This isn’t really all about you, is it?


Chapter 3: Failure is a necessity of success

Chapter 4: So, what do you do?


Chapter 5: The time is now


Chapter 6: And how!


Chapter 7: Stash the cash before you crash

Chapter 8: Time management and other fallacies


Chapter 9: Advertising, marketing and other black magic


Chapter 10: Sales are something you should buy into

Chapter 11: The multiplier effect will help your additions


Chapter 12: Good communication leads to vacation


Chapter 13: Leadership and other ways to get kicked really hard

Chapter 14: Service begins when you serve


Chapter 15: The business stuff other books don’t teach you


Chapter 16: What is it with all of this bold talk?


The Best Business Podcast



You found it!  The best business podcast to hit the airwaves is here.  Make no mistake, this isn’t some podcast filled with slackers.  This is the business podcast designed for entrepreneurs and small business owners to listen to, enjoy and take some action from.  if you like this super successful business podcast, let us know.  More importantly, keep listening.  The best small business podcasts will be showing up weekly.

Authentic Business Adventures Podcast

Valerie McGeHee, author of Atomic Grit

How to Have Atomic Grit

Valerie McGeHee PhD - Author of Atomic Grit On the Her Recipe for Success: "If you had grit, if you could set goals, and you had some sort of social support, which was the missing piece, which is accepting help from others, accepting, mentoring for account help getting help with accountability, you would be successful."…...
Larry Pendleton

How to Save Money On Business Taxes

Larry Pendleton - Larry Pendleton CPA On the Getting the Right People: ""I gotta be able to kind of find the right people to trust instead of finding someone that I halfway trust and I gotta oversee every every step of the way." Just about every successful business owner has learned, often the hard and…...
Mickie Kennedy PR Expert at eReleases

How to Do PR the Right Way

Mickie Kennedy - eReleases PR Agency On the Knowing Your Audience: "A journalist's job is, of course, to produce content. But even more importantly is to keep their audience happy." News is everywhere, and most of it isn't exactly positive.  A lot of it is pretty morbid and serves only to bring the eyeballs to…...
Jamie Gale, entrepreneur extraordinaire.

How to Create Content for Leaders

Jamie Gale - Helping Leaders Create Content and Podcast Guru On the Power of Gratitude: "People that are grateful, abundance tends to come to them." Podcasts.  Almost everybody has them, almost everybody listens to them.  But how do you as a business owner get a podcast going?  Should you get a podcast for your business?…...
The LinkedIn Lady, Susan Gresham

How to Grow Your Business With LinkedIn

Sue Gresham - The LinkedIn Lady On the Power of Gratitude: "People that are grateful, abundance tends to come to them." Social media for grown-ups is really what LinkedIn has become.  It is the place to be as a professional and as a person wanting to connect with business owners and professionals to help you…...
Eric Cogorno of Eric Cogorno Golf

How to Grow Your YouTube Channel with Eric Cogorno

Eric Cogorno - YouTube Golf Education On Believing In Yourself: "That was the first time that my brain felt like it was allowed to think big enough.  It was the first time I really allowed myself to imagine, what would even be possible here?" Just about every kid wants to be famous on YouTube.  Many…...
Melissa Brumm of Slow Life Revolution

How to Slow Down and Live

Melissa Brumm - Slow Life Revolution On Achieving Victory in Business: "So it's sort of like if we help them win, we win. And then if we keep helping them win, we win. Everyone wins." Every entrepreneur shares at least two common traits: 1) They have boundless ideas and 2) They are crazy busy trying…...
Clayton Bates the Shopify Expert

How to Be A Shopify Expert

Clayton Bates - Shopify Expert On Achieving Victory in Business: "So it's sort of like if we help them win, we win. And then if we keep helping them win, we win. Everyone wins." Shopify has grown to be dominant force in the e-commerce world.  Holding about 20% of the market share of e-Commerce platforms,…...
Phil Anderson for US Senate

How to Run for Political Office

Phil Anderson - Candidate for US Senate On Discovering a Disturbing Truth: "It was an indication to me right off the bat that things weren't being run as honestly and fairly and democratically as I had thought they were." It is a rare person that believes that any government is doing the best job they…...
Nathan Boehm of Diventures

The Business of Teaching How to Swim

Nathan Boehm - Diventures - Sun Prairie, WI On Knowing Where to Set the Bar: "Always the goal for the first day is not to cry in the water. You know, set it nice and low.." Nathan will share with us the fascinating growth story of Diventures from a modest beginning to an enterprise spanning…...
Randy Lenz - Real Estate Pro

When to Buy a House

Randy Lenz - Real Estate Agent Extraordinaire On the Cost of Change: "It's a little bit daunting right now because some of the new people coming in have no clue how they're even going to get paid." We all need someplace to call home and for those trying to live the American Dream, that means…...
John Casmon of Casmon Capital

Building Wealth Through Real Estate Investment

John Casmon - Casmon Capital On Being Aware of What Can Go Wrong: "I was making money. I grew my net worth. But at the end of the day, if I got fired from my job or if I got let go, I didn't have enough money to pay all of my bills." Get your…...
Shannan Bogle, owner of the Madison Wisconsin UPS Store

How to Run a Retail Shipping Business

Shannan Bogle - UPS Store Madison, Wisconsin On Variety Being the Spice of Life: "You never do the same thing twice. And that's what I loved about it was you were always doing something different whether somebody was walking in to have you shipping a book for them and then the next person was having…...
Derek Dombeck from The Generations of Wealth

How to Join a Real Estate Investment Group

Derek Dombeck - The Generations of Wealth On the Challenging Relationship Employers Are Forced Into: "Speculation and appreciation doesn't pay your bills or keep your family fed. It looks beautiful on a spreadsheet ,on a balance sheet, until things go the other way." Real Estate Investing is a powerful tool for growing your wealth, as…...
Arta Wildeboer a Business Attorney

How to Avoid Business Legal Issues

Arta Wildeboer - Real Estate Professional in Canada On the Challenging Relationship Employers Are Forced Into: "People are very sensitive about their disabilities. They're very passionate about having their disabilities, validated having their disabilities. Kind of, just understood by their employers." Legal woes are almost an expectation in business.  From the ins and outs of…...
Jordan Silvester - Realtor in Canada

Confessions of a Real Estate Investor

Jordan Silvester - Real Estate Professional in Canada On the Often Chaotic Fluctuation of the Real Estate Market: "And when it first started happening, it takes a bit to get used to the idea that the market might go up instead of 2% a year, it might go percent up 2% a week. That's how…...
Patrick Donohue - Private Business Investor

Private Investing in Business

Patrick Donahue - Private Investment On the Importance of Having a Vision: "The reason why I use the the 'qualifier magnetic' is because it's one thing to have a vision, but it has to be a vision that can be articulated where it attracts others to it." Businesses need cash to run.  Some from the…...

Marketing Around the World With AI

Vladimer Botsvadze - Marketing Expert On finding your groove: "Brands need to get closer to their consumers in order to win in the long term. Otherwise, it would be tough because still so many big organizations and big brands are very far from their consumers. The strategies that were set years ago, they market like…...
Tiago Faria the Marketing Expert

How To Market a Coaching Business

Tiago Faria - Coach Marketing Secrets On finding your groove: "I was trying to be someone I wasn't exactly. I didn't know who I was as a content creator, so I was just putting things out there. But at some point, I found my voice and, yeah, it was perfect." In this episode, our host…...
Jason Yarusi Real Estate Investing

How To Start Real Estate Investing

Jason Yarusi - Yarusi Holdings - Real Estate Investing On growing multifamily investments: "All we had to do was go in there and just basically run it better. Just put in a better process, lease it up, lease it up higher rates, and now we are meeting our goals." Despite seemingly thousands of apartment buildings…...


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